Thursday, 20 February 2025

DroneLab is down...

Unfortunately, DroneLab is down right now. 

Please bear with us while we investigate the issue. 

If you want to be notified when the site is up and running again, please add your email address to this form and we'll let you know what's happening. 

Again, sorry for the inconvenience, but thanks (in advance) for your patience. 

If you really want DroneLab to come back, we're going to need more funding to maintain and operate the servers. 

All we need is six supporters, paying $70/£50/€60 per month. 

Here's the new DroneLab Patreon page. I've set it up as an easy way to take payments. If we can sign up six new generous benefactors/clients/supporters then I can get the site running again. 

Until then, I'm afraid we're defaulting to this page for all embedded maps as I can't figure out anything more sophisticated than this right now. 

I'll give this until the end of the month to run (it's half term next week and I'm looking after the kids). If we reach the target, I should be able to get it up and running again in a matter of hours. If there's literally no interest, then DroneLab has expired. It's been an interesting 10 years, I've learnt a lot, and I'd like to thank you if you have supported us over the years - it has meant a lot to me, but the start up grind is exactly that - it grinds you down over time, and 10 years is a long time in this industry. 

If you want a copy of the code so that you can run your own instance locally on your own infrastructure - send me an email. 

Ciao, for now. 

p.s. If you can't stretch to a monthly subscription, perhaps consider getting me a coffee?

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Drone Operator Profile Page

This is just a test post to make sure the redirection service is working. I'm setting up page rules to direct traffic from an old 404 page to a new profile page. Hopefully, this will work. If not, please consider this link, which will take you back to the dronelab homepage.

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Status Update

...and it looks like we're working again. Anything that's been uploaded previously will be processed later this afternoon. Email notifications have been resumed, too, so you should get an email again to tell you that processing is complete. Send me an email (at the usual address) if you have any questions or queries.

Status Update

Unfortunately, DroneLab is experiencing some problems at the minute, primarily with regards to the login and the admin system.

We're working on getting things up and running again, but at the moment we don't have a timeline for getting things back to normal again.

Certain core components of the site are getting near their end of life and the site could really do with being rebuilt from the ground up again using more appropriate technology. This will obviously require some more investment, which is difficult to find in the current climate.

We will update all existing subscribers shortly with more information.

In the meantime, the viewer and storage parts of the site are still working, so any datasets that have already been processed are still be available to view.

Friday, 1 July 2022

It's 2022 now, and I haven't posted anything for a very long time!

 Here's another test post, just showing how it's possible to embed an orthomosaic in a blog post. 

...and here's another one, testing if it's still working now that it's 2024.

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Another interesting week on DroneLab

Just a quick post to highlight the range of datasets that people have been uploading to the platform this week. It's not just drones that generate very large image files! 

First, this old aerial photo from Dunkirk was shared on Facebook earlier in the week. The dataset has been created from a series of images obtained from the IGN (Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière) 

 In this project, images were obtained from an aerial campaign carried out in 1949 on the city of Dunkirk, in northern France (171 shots), which allowed the creation of an area covering 4900 hectares at a resolution of 11 cm. 

 "A delicate and imperfect exercise (in) some areas but the result remains very satisfying for applications of cadastre or archaeology". 


Here's a link to the original article which contains a link to the project on the DroneLab website...

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Demonstration of embed code to show how an interactive map can be displayed as part of a webpage on another site.

Map data collected by UK Drone Surveys using a Small Unmanned Aerial System from Quest UAV.